Matt Schmidtke

8th Degree Black Belt Master Instructor,

Inyan System of Eskrima Guro

World Martial Arts Hall of Fame Member

Master Schmidtke is an 8th Degree Master Black Belt with over 30 years
martial arts experience and training. Regardless of all his training he continues
to seek out and receive comprehensive training in a variety of martial arts
systems and styles. In July 2007 he was inducted into the World Martial Arts
Hall of Fame as the Mixed Martial Arts Master of the year.
He is the Elite Self Defense Center’s Master Instructor as well as the schools
manager and martial arts advisor to corporate headquarters. He is responsible
for the daily operation of the school as well as teaching and supervising all kids
and adult classes.

Martial arts study includes(but not limited to):
Inayan System of Eskrima
Inayan Kadena De Mano Eskrima
Inayan Serrada Eskrima
Larga Mano Eskrima
Inayan Sinawali / Dequerdas Eskrima
Inayan Reactive Knife Defense
Inayan Pressure Sensitive Nerve Areas
Shaolin Kempo
Tai Chi
Okinawan Karate-do
Okinawan Kenpo Karate Kobudo
Many other systems and styles